Ever had suicidel thoughts?

Have you ever thought about what God thinks about you thinking or even concidering suicide? Well heres a few pointers.

 God created you for a purpose, For HIS own personal purpose. He did'nt put you out here just so you can be another worthless person on this earth, because to him you ARE NOT WORTHLESS. He wants you to be so much more than you think you are he knows you are so much more. Think about it why else would he pick you up from the muck and mire you were trapped in before you were concieved in your mother's womb? For his purpose! When you feel like nobody cares about you,HE DOES NO MATTER WHAT,when you feel your family is falling apart and nothing will ever be the same,HES THERE TO ASURE YOU EVERYTHING WILL BE OK,God loves you so much that he gave his ONLY SON...FOR YOU AND ME! Yeah, sure he could have just let us live in sin and never be forgivin but GOD has too much grace and compassion to let us be like that so he had Jesus die on the cross for us, that to me is worth so much Honor and Praise.The enemy aka the devil will try to do anything in his power to defeat you, but heres the thing our own thoughts are way more powerfull then the devil will ever be, He is under our feet don't let him creep up into your mind and munipulate you into killing yourself or any other sinfull thing. What if you did actually go through with it what would your reason be? That you think it would be better if your dead,that you would'nt have to worry anymore? Those are just more excuses for yourself and your being selfish if you go through with it. Before your parents even thought about having you, God was already planing what you were gona be when your in your Adult Hood and who your going to marry! God does'nt want you to kill youself the devil does but who cares what the devil wants hes a liar,I look down and laugh at the devil for trying to take my joy from me! If your going through depression ask God to help you, pray to him tell him why your so depressed HE WILL help you!


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