Summer 08'!!!! Well now that summer is almost over i would like to share my memories,Feel free to submit your information in the contact me box and write me your summer with god i would LOVE to hear about it, if you want it posted please include that in your e-mail.
 The beginning of my summer was great as usual i spent it with my cousin,only i had a double vacation,i also visited Florida! (my first time flying and my first time in florida) it was a blast i prayed very hard about going cause at first my aunt and uncle were'nt sure about letting me go,i thank God that he made a way for me to go my time in Florida i was amazing! God reveled so much more to me i visited my aunt's church and prophisided to my first group of people,to those of you who dont know a prophet is a person whom God speaks directly to to help other people,the time i spent in that church doing God's work made me realize what i really wanted in life and that did'nt involve disrespecting my parents or anyone else for that matter,being closer with all of my family and just really want and try to change my old ways, God once again came trough just like i knew he would he opened so much new doors for my life and i thank him everyday for it.
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