Most teenage girls and boys only really care about themselves,only focused on what they do weather they hang out with friends or not and they usually don't discover God until adult hood! Thats the main purpose of this very website to spread God's love peace and prosperity to teens who need it.
Some teens and younger children are left abandond by either their father or mother,most girls who are abandond by their fathers dont have or get that love from a father figure so what most of them do is turn to boyfriends for that love when what they really need to do is turn to GOD for that love because GOD IS LOVE,what makes you think God cant supply love for you he has the power to heal your broken heart he has the power to fill up that empty spot in your heart with love.Boys are the same there could be some boys who never had their father there as well maybe their mom isnt really there either maybe she goes clubbing only to leave her oldest son to babysit his younger siblings,that puts her son in an awful position,if he hasnt grown up with a father how could he possibly watch his younger siblings and do it right? The thing is the mother needs a reality check one to realize what kind of pain shes causing to not just her son but her whole family.As for the son he should pray for guidence and reconsiliation for his family,after all he did'nt have a father growing up but thats okay because God says im your father i shall be here for you my sons and daughters in your time of need look for comfort in me and you shall find it,look for love in me and you shall find it,look for guidence in me and you shall find it.Bottom line turn to God hes there waiting to hear from you.